REAGENT Environmental Statement Policy
ReAgent Recruitment Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) acknowledges the generation of waste material through its activities. Thus, the Environmental Policy of the Company is aimed at ensuring, to the extent reasonably practicable, that all its operations are conducted with a commitment to waste reduction, thereby safeguarding and enhancing the environment. The Company expects the same commitment to be demonstrated by suppliers and contractors working for the Company.
Environmental concern and awareness are fundamental principles of the Company’s business.
Therefore, the Company endeavours to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations. It also strives to establish higher standards of environmental performance, including waste management, where practicable and appropriate.
All Company employees are required to carry out their duties with due concern for the environment. Compliance with this Environmental Policy Statement is a condition of employment for all staff.
In the event of an environmental accident or incident at work, it is a Company requirement that the details be promptly and properly reported to a Director who will investigate and take prompt action to rectify any damage and prevent recurrence.
All suppliers and contractors working on behalf of the Company are required to adopt environmental standards fully consistent with those of the Company, and they are expected to achieve comparable levels of performance as a condition of their contract.
In accordance with its stated policy, the Company has established the following objectives as a solid framework for implementing practices to support the Company’s Environmental Policy:
- Compliance with the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 (where appropriate) and Local Government Regulations.
- Swift response to accidents or incidents that have the potential to threaten the environment.
- Provision of advice on the safe handling of company products, their transportation, and their final disposal to customers, contractors, etc.
- Disposal of any waste products in environmentally responsible ways, using only registered carriers for waste disposal, and promoting recycling wherever possible.
- Encouragement of the development of products, processes, and equipment with consideration for the future of the environment.
- Open communication on environmental matters with government officials, employees, customers, and the public.
- Provision of training for all employees, as appropriate, to enable them to carry out their job functions in a manner that demonstrates care for the environment.
- Conduct of environmental audits when required.
- Promotion of environmental principles by sharing experiences with regulatory bodies, other companies, employees, and members of the public.
- In implementing this Environmental Policy Statement, the Company will focus on actions to conserve resources and energy, minimise emissions into air or water and onto land, and increase recycling rates.
- The Company will also seek to influence legislative developments and improve public understanding of environmental matters concerning the business.
- This policy statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The management team endorses these policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.