REAGENT Health & Safety Policy


  • 1.1 Our commitment revolves around ensuring the health and safety of our staff and all individuals impacted by our operations, fostering a secure environment for those attending our premises.

1.2 This policy outlines our procedures concerning:

(a) Assessment and management of health and safety risks arising from work activities;

(b) Prevention of accidents and work-related health issues;

(c) Consultation with employees on matters pertaining to their health and safety;

(d) Provision and upkeep of a safe workplace and equipment;

(e) Provision of information, instruction, training, and supervision on safe working methods and procedures;

(f) Emergency procedures in cases of fire or other significant incidents.

1.3 This policy applies to all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers, and agency workers.

1.4 This policy is not contractual and may be subject to revisions. Regular reviews ensure its effectiveness.

Responsibility for Health and Safety

  • 2.1 The board of directors holds ultimate responsibility for health and safety, overseeing the implementation of this policy. Daniel Puttick serves as the Principal Health and Safety Officer, with daily accountability for health and safety matters.

2.2 Daniel Puttick ensures an annual review of this policy.

Employee Responsibilities

  • 3.1 All staff share responsibility for fostering safe working conditions. This entails safeguarding their health and safety, adhering to safety rules, and following instructions for equipment use.

3.2 Any health and safety concerns should be promptly reported to line managers or Daniel Puttick.

3.3 Cooperation with managers on health and safety matters, including incident investigations, is mandatory.

3.4 Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Procedure.

Information and Consultation

  • 4.1 All staff will receive direct information and consultation on health and safety matters.

4.2 Health and safety representatives will undergo suitable training to fulfil their roles effectively.

4.3 Daniel Puttick is responsible for informing and consulting employees regarding health and safety.


  • 5.1 Adequate training and supervision are provided to ensure competent and safe work performance.

5.2 Staff receive health and safety induction and relevant safety training, including manual handling.


  • 6.1 Equipment must be used as instructed. Any faults or damages should be reported immediately to line managers.

6.2 Unauthorised repair of equipment is prohibited.

6.3 Daniel Puttick ensures equipment safety and maintenance.

Accidents and First Aid

  • 7.1 First aid facilities and trained first aiders’ details are prominently displayed.

7.2 All work-related accidents or injuries, no matter how minor, should be reported and recorded.

7.3 Daniel Puttick investigates injuries or work-related diseases, maintains accident records, and reports incidents as required by regulations.

National Health Alerts

  • 8.1 Business operations are adjusted in response to epidemic or pandemic alerts, aligning with official guidance to minimise infection risks. Staff queries should be directed to line managers.

8.2 Compliance with instructions during health alerts is crucial for staff safety.

Fire Safety

  • 9.1 Staff should familiarise themselves with fire safety instructions displayed near fire exits.

9.2 In case of a fire alarm, immediate evacuation is mandatory.

9.3 Firefighting attempts should only be made if safe and if trained to do so.

9.4 Fire safety training and regular fire drills are conducted.

9.5 Daniel Puttick oversees fire risk assessments and ensures safety measures are in place.

Risk Assessments and Control Measures

  • 10.1 Periodic risk assessments identify hazards and control measures to mitigate risks.

10.2 Measures to minimise manual handling risks and control hazardous substances are implemented.

10.3 Personal protective equipment is provided where necessary.

10.4 Daniel Puttick conducts workplace risk assessments and implements control measures.

Computers and Display Screen Equipment

  • 11.1 Users of computers and display screen equipment receive necessary breaks and entitlements for assessments and eyesight tests.

11.2 Requests for assessments or tests should be made through managers.

11.3 Basic corrective appliances are covered, subject to conditions.

11.4 Further guidance on DSE usage is available from Daniel Puttick.

Queries, Amendments & Review

Queries should be directed to a Director of ReAgent Recruitment Ltd. Amendments will be communicated through document revisions.

This policy undergoes periodic review.

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